De-Excitation Brings Abundance


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Suzanne Tick, CEO of Tick Studio, Creative Director of Luum Textiles

The way I look at it, Mother Nature grounded us all this past year. We were all over-working, traveling to excess and spending time away from our families and ourselves. Embracing this lifestyle change forced the inevitable. We, as individuals, are in the midst of progressive change while the world evolves. As we change, processes that keep us in the maintenance realm are quickly highlighted for deletion, leaving room for Creativity. The best way to go with this flow of evolution is to embrace the preference of Charm and follow the change.

After completing four years of Vedic Meditation practice, I went to India for a three-month intensive training from Jan to April 2020. While the state of the world changed in ways I couldn’t have imagined upon my return, things became more and more clear for me. As we de-excite our nervous system and unstress ourselves at a cellular level through the technique of Vedic meditation, we galvanize our connection to all that is and all that we are doing. The daily group Vedic meditation practice I host with Tick Studio and the A&D community has helped us stay nimble in the face of change. Becoming deeply rooted in Being and Creativity has helped our studio embrace fully the world of unbounded color, texture and pattern choices.





In Vedic Meditation - Veda meaning knowledge - our individuality gets rooted in a twice-a-day practice for 20 minutes where a systematic upgrade takes place. Adaptation energy that is achieved in this practice gives us an abundance of new capabilities and knowledge.

Like dyeing a cloth, individuality is built within your twice daily meditation practice. First you dip cloth in the dye, then you set it in the sun, then you dip it in the dye and then you set it in the sun. Again and again. The more you sit in your meditation, the richer the experience. Therefore, the more you dip the cloth in dye the deeper, richer and steadfast the color gets.

Our design process also became deeper and richer as a result of meditation. As we prepare for each collection launch, we spend hours in the product development and color selection process. First, we build a conceptual vision of what’s happening in the world around us, then we individually conceive and construct patterns. Lastly, we review everything as a wholistic collective to validate and verify our decisions.




We created the Luum Color Wall to share our views on our wholistic approach. This exercise of pinning 1,000 upholstery fabrics to our studio wall in color gradations broadens our perspective of the Luum textile portfolio. It became a metaphor for the Unified Field. The evolution of its offering is rooted in our attempt to design what’s relevant – only making products that intentionally serve a need in our industry and our collection.

This is how we look at our collection - from an immense unified field of abundance. Organized by hue, value and chroma, the wall changes and progresses three times a year as we add each new collection to this project. Like meditation practice, it raises our consciousness a step at a time. An individual color, texture and pattern adds to the essence of the whole. Each product rooted in its uniqueness becomes a part of the evolution of the coordinating integration of the entire Luum offering.

As we root ourselves in daily meditation practice, our stability is being grounded in our Being, otherwise known as Our True Nature. Unlike the Color Wall, this true self does not change like our consciousness does. From this state of consciousness where our nervous system is de-excited, we are able to recognize what is necessary for the need of the time and spring to action.




We as individuals want to be playing in this big, rich field of wholeness and awareness as much as possible. We want to feel that deeper part of ourselves and feel the connections with the world. We call this the Unified Field. Albert Einstein speaks of this in his general theory of relativity.

Our happiness does not come from object referral on the outside, but rather from inside, where we access our True Nature. First, we de-excite our nervous system to allow Creativity in as preparation to receive all that is offered in the unbounded world of existence.



SAP AG - Teknion Case Study

Suzanne Tick

CEO of Tick Studio, Creative Director of Luum Textiles


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